Accident, Illness and Emergencies Policy
It is our Policy to keep Children free from harm in our care. All preventable measures will be taken to ensure children do not injure themselves or become exposed to illness or infection. We aim to prevent cross infection of viruses and bacterial infections.
On the rare occasions that accidents, Illness or emergencies occur it is our duty to ensure, children receive the appropriate treatment and first aid, parents are aware of our policies and procedures when accidents, illness or emergencies do occur and all our statutory obligations are adhered to.
All staff at our setting are trained in First Aid to ensure cover is maintained during absences, and hold current paediatric first aid certificates. No parent helper or student should administer first aid unless he/she has had proper training.
Our first aid box is clearly marked, accessible at all times and is stocked correctly. It is stored on the inside wall of our cupboard out of the reach of children. A full contents list can be viewed in the first aid box. The manager is responsible for checking and replenishing the first aid box contents.
Parent emergency contact numbers are kept securely with each child’s records.
We are required to notify Ofsted of any serious accidents, illnesses, injuries or food poisoning affecting two or more children looked after on our premises as soon as possible or at the very least within 14 days of an incident occurring. Where relevant the Health and Safety Executive or local child protection agencies will be informed. In the case of food poisoning the local Environmental Health Department will be informed.
We meet our legal requirements in respect of the safety of our employees and the public by complying with RIDDOR. We will report to the Health and Safety
Executive, any work-related accident leading to an injury to a member of the public (child or adult), for which they are taken directly to hospital for treatment.
Any work-related accident, leading to a specified injury to one of our employees. Specified injuries include injuries such as fractured bones, the loss of consciousness due to a head injury, serious burns or amputations. Any work-related accident, leading to an injury to one of our employees which results in them being unable to work for seven consecutive days. All work-related injuries that lead to one of our employees being incapacitated for three or more days are recorded in our accident book. When one of our employees suffers from a reportable occupational disease or illness. Any death, of a child or adult, that occurs in connection with a work-related accident. Any dangerous occurrences. This may be an event that causes injury or fatalities or an event that does not cause an accident, but could have done; such as a gas leak.
Any dangerous occurrence is recorded in our incident book. We have ready access to telephone numbers for emergency services, including the local police. We have contact numbers for the person responsible for the premises and we have a shared procedure for dealing with emergencies.
We ensure staff and volunteers carry out all health and safety procedures to minimise risk and that they know what to do in an emergency. On discovery of an incident we will report it to the appropriate emergency services. If an incident occurs before the setting is open, risk assessments will be carried out to ensure a safe environment where we deem an environment to not be safe we may offer a limited service or close the setting.
Where an incident occurs whilst the children are in our care and it is necessary to evacuate the premises/area, we will evacuate as per the fire /evacuation procedures.
Incidents which will be recorded are, any crime, an intruder gaining unauthorised access to the premises, fire, flood, gas leak, electrical failure, an attack on an adult or child on or nearby the premises, a notifiable disease or illness, any racist incident involving families or staff on the setting's premises, outbreak of food poisoning affecting two or more children looked after on the premises, a terrorist attack or threat of one, a death of a child or adult.
The incident book is not for recording issues of concern involving a child. This is recorded in the child's own file.
We will keep up to date with various relevant legislation.
All accidents however small will be recorded in the accident book, with the actions taken and first aid administered. Parents / carers at the end of the child’s day will be asked to sign the book to confirm they are aware of the accident and the actions taken. If a child is unduly upset or we have concerns about the injury we will contact the parent / carer for clarification of what they would like to do. Parents will be informed by phone of any head injury.
Our accident book is kept safe and secure. All staff/volunteers have been made aware of where the book is located and how to complete it. The book is reviewed at least half termly to identify any potential or actual hazards.
Any serious accident that occurs, parents / carers will be notified by phone immediately and relevant information provided including if an ambulance was called and where the child has been taken.
Parents sign a consent form at registration allowing any member of staff to take their child to the nearest Accident and Emergency unit to be examined, treated or admitted as necessary on the understanding that they have been informed and are on their way to the hospital.
All accident records will be kept until a child reaches the age of 21.
If a child is ill within this setting staff will phone parents /carers to advise them of the situation and if we feel necessary advise them to arrange collection of that child. If the parent /carer can not be contacted we will contact the emergency contacts name that was provided at the start of placement.
We hold written permission from parents /carers to seek and administer emergency treatment for their children if needed. The signed form’s can be found in the children’s records, held in the secure file location.
Any child who has been vomiting or had diarrhoea will not be allowed in this setting until 48 hours after the last occurrence. Parents / carers are asked to inform the pre-school as soon as possible if your children have an infectious illness.
Children will not be allowed in until the illness is no longer infectious. All matters will be dealt with sympathetically and confidentially. In all cases we will gain guidance from Health Protection Agency England,,
Where children have been prescribed antibiotics for an infectious illness or complaint we ask that parents keep them home for 48 hours before returning them to the setting.
If a child or adult is diagnosed as suffering from a notifiable disease under the Health Protection (Notification) Regulations 2010, the GP will report this to the Health protection Agency when we are formally notified we will inform Ofsted and the Local Health Protection Agency and act on any advice provided.
Parents /Carers are asked to inform the pre-school of any known allergies at any time during the child’s stay at the pre-school. If we are informed of an allergy a medical plan will be completed and kept in the child’s records. A risk assessment may also be completed and a copy displayed where it can be seen by staff.
Medication is only administered in line with our Administering Medicines policy. (See below)
Our premises have been checked by Ofsted and they meet the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Risk assessments of the indoor and outdoor spaces, including equipment will be completed as per Ofsted guidelines once a year.
We ensure premises present no risk by fire by ensuring the highest possible standard of fire precautions. We are familiar with the current legal requirements, and the fire safety officer has undergone training in fire safety sufficient to be competent to carry out the fire risk assessment which available to view. The Fire safety officer is Dawn Humphries.
We ensure that we have a copy of the fire safety risk assessment that applies to the building we rent and we contribute to regular reviews.
Termly fire drills are completed. Children are encouraged to take part and are made aware of the sound of the fire alarm. All children are informed where the fire exits are in the event of an emergency and what is involved once an evacuation or fire alarm occurs. We record dates and time of fire drills which are available. See Fire / Evacuation Drill Record Sheet.
All fire exits are clearly marked, never obstructed and easily opened from the inside. We ensure that all smoke detectors, alarms, fire fighting appliances conform to the BS EN standards, are located appropriately and are operational. Records are kept on checked equipment which are available.
Emergency evacuation procedures are clearly displayed on the premises. All new members of staff and volunteers will be informed of the evacuation procedures. We conduct regular evacuation drills termly. See Fire / Evacuation Drill Record Sheet.
All electrical equipment is checked annually by a qualified electrician. Any faulty equipment is repaired or replaced.